Evan Schneider
Blogging about stuff
Integrated Mass and Momentum Evolution
Mass and momentum evolution for high res sims
Mass Evolution, Part 3
Mass evolution results for the low-res sims
Sphere vs Cloud
Some comparisons between the sphere and cloud simulations
A look at convergence for the sphere tests
Mass Evolution, Part 2
Further exploration of mass evolution
Cloud PDFs
A comparison of density PDFs for a turbulent cloud
Mass Evolution
Some prelimnary mass evolution plots
Resolution Effects (Part 2)
A comparison of low and high resolution simualtions
Density Profile Effects
A comparison of clouds with different density profiles
Resolution Effects
A comparison of low and high resolution simualtions
Titan Tests
Some analysis plots from a Titan run
HLLC solver
Demonstration of the HLLC Riemann solver
Other Tests
Hydro tests of different integration methods
Boundary Conditions
Boundary behavior in sphere-wind sims
KH tests
Tests of the 2D integration schemes
Phase Diagrams
Several examples of phase diagrams for a sphere-wind simulation
Sphere Wind Simulation
A constant density cool sphere in a hot wind
Chevalier & Clegg Wind Model (Part 2)
The Chevalier & Clegg model applied to M82
Chevalier & Clegg Wind Model
The Galactic wind model of Chevalier & Clegg
Cloudy Cooling in Cholla
A description of the CPU cooling function in Cholla
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